VKU in Zurich
You have searching VKU Zürich or Verkehrskundekurs Zürich in google.ch? Welcome to VKU courses in Zurich and thank you for your interest.
What is a VKU course?
The VKU (Verkehrskundekurs) in Zurich is a theoretical preparation for driving a motor vehicle and supports the training in practical driving lessons. In these 8 hours you will learn how to behave in case of danger in traffic. We will show you how to make the right decision. Practical examples will be discussed.
Is the VKU (traffic knowledge course) compulsory?
The course is compulsory and lasts 8 hours (4 x 2 hours). These 8 hours are divided into 4 evenings of 2 hours each. The traffic knowledge course must be taken with a driving instructor.
Traffic Knowledge Course (VKU) Online?
Unfortunately, this option does not exist.
Traffic knowledge course (VKU) weekend (Saturday, Sunday)?
In our VKU, we teach VKU on weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).
On which days is the traffic knowledge course (VKU)?
Monday - Thursday at 19.00-21.00.
You can find more information on our website https://www.vkuzurich.ch